Christian Education – Children

Sunday School Classes are September through June except on major holidays. Classes start at 9:30 am and go until 10:15 am.

Class age groups change year to year based on participation. This year our classes are:

    • Preschool-1st grade
    • Elementary class- 2nd-5th grade
    • Middle School Class- 6th-8th grade


Members of the church may have their children baptized at any age. Some people choose to baptize their children as infants, affirming that God’s act of grace is never dependent on our ability to understand and respond. Those who baptize their children as infants pledge to raise them in the Christian faith, so that when they are older, they may confirm the vows their parents made on their behalf. Others, especially those from a mixed religion family, or from a Christian tradition that does not baptize infants, choose to wait until their children are old enough to make a choice for themselves. In that case, children can be baptized whenever they are ready to make a confession of faith.

Children and Communion

The Presbyterian Church (USA) has allowed children who are baptized to participate in the Lord’s Supper since the early 1980s. In allowing children to participate, we recognize that we worship as much with our bodies and feelings as with our intellectual understanding. Young children can respond to God with faith, even as they are growing in understanding. Not even adults can fully comprehend the mystery of Holy Communion.

The decision of whether or not a child is ready to participate in communion is to be made by the parents of that child. Children learn about communion in Sunday School classes, but it is up to the parent to determine whether his or her child is able to take part respectfully and seriously. Of course the pastor is happy to meet with any families who want help with this decision. We ask that you do give this some thought so that the decision is not made in the pew as the elements are being passed. Parents should share their understanding of the Lord’s Supper with their children and discuss with them whether they are ready to participate, or whether they need to wait.

Elementary age children will remain in church with their parents once a month on Communion Sundays in order to have the opportunity to participate in this sacrament as the whole family of God.